Monday, April 19, 2010

GA trip

The trip to GA was great. Ben was sick for the first week, though. We got there on Saturday, and he started running a fever Sunday night. Fever reached 101 on Monday night. I took him to a local doctor on Tuesday... pharyngitis. Poor guy's throat was bright red, according to the doctor. He was on antibiotics the rest of the time we were there, and the medicine gave him diarrhea... which gave him diaper rash. But... other than the first week of fever, the medicine doses, and the battle for changing his diaper... we had fun. No, really. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coming soon: A visit to Augusta, GA!

Super excited to be visiting my family in GA soon. Pretty soon every member of my family will be living in a different state. (Not my husband and kids, you know... my parents and brother.) Dad is already living in Greenville, SC and this summer my brother will be moving to Charlotte, NC. It's actually pretty sad. We'll have to have family reunions just to get back together. But I'm excited about this trip down. Dad will be coming to visit in Augusta for a few days, too. My dad and brother have never met Lilly, and she is really becoming an adorable personality. She's still fiery, but she loves to smile and laugh and talk and razz. I'm so glad that Ben loves her. He just wants to be near her all of the time. For some reason he's obsessed with her ears. At lunch today he said "Kiss baby Lilly?" And after he kissed her head, he said "Kiss baby Lilly's ears?"... He's such a nut. :)

I love my kids.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wii Fit Plus!!

I'm actually pretty excited about this. I definitely need it.

We got a Wii a few weeks ago, but were unable to find a Wii Fit anywhere. Not in any store, or online. They had it at Amazon, but for about $40 more... not diggin' that. So we waited, and kept watching. And then.... I was grocery shopping with both kids at Wal-mart a few days ago. (A feat, to be sure, but definitely manageable.) And then I saw a boy walking around, carrying a box. A box with a picture of a Wii Balance board.

Oh heck yes!

I got very excited, and went right over to the electronics section with food in the cart, Ben in the basket by the handle, and Lilly on my chest in the Snugli. And sure enough, there were 2 Wii Fit Pluses left! I grabbed one, made sure that I didn't need anything else, and went back over to the grocery section to finish shopping. Score!

I've only played it twice, but I've really enjoyed it. And I don't usually like step aerobics. But even that is fun. The bike ride is pretty neat. And I did actually work up a sweat! Go me! I have to do it after the kids are asleep, so I'm doing it pretty late. But at least I'm getting some exercise!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Time for a science lesson!

Wikipedia defines inertia as the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion. Webster's defines it as a property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force.


In other words, an object that is standing still wants to stay still. And an object in motion wants to stay in motion.

An object will maintain its inertia until acted upon by another force.


In other words, if an object is moving, it'll keep moving until something makes it stop... like gravity. Or friction. And if it is not moving, it'll stand still until something makes it move. Like being pushed or kicked.

And objects resist changes in their inertia. Which is why I can't push our TV stand. I don't have enough force to get it moving. (That and the friction of the carpet.)

Anyway... enough of the science lesson. The reason I bring it up is that this is one of my primary problems. Inertia. I get stuck in ruts often, and find it difficult to change course. For example, I LOVE my evening snack, even though I don't need it, am not hungry, and am actually making myself FAT because of it. But I always have an evening snack, so... I also find that once I am doing something (cleaning, working, whatever) I enjoy it and want to keep going until it's completely done. But it's getting started that poses the big problem.

This being said, I am making an effort to change some of my inertia. I have decreased the size of my evening snack, and have added some exercise (Wii Fit, yay!) I took the kids and went to church last Sunday, and plan to continue. And I'm using this blog to sort out my brain a little bit, so that I stop feeling pressed.

Not bad, as far as efforts go.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's cheaper than therapy!

Ok. I was once told by a pastor that I had amazing self insight. That I knew myself very well... so well that he wondered if I'd ever been in therapy. I haven't, but it occurred to me that the reason I've never needed it was because of my ability to examine myself. And others, for that matter, but for this blog I'm more concerned with my own state of being.

Lately I've been feeling pushed down. Not depressed... just pressed. I think I have way too many expectations of perfection from myself and others. I get stuck at times with this... if I can't do it or have it perfectly, then I won't do it or don't want it. Can't do the dishes exactly how I want to because I don't have enough time? Solution: don't do the dishes. Toys disorganized and pieces of toys not collected together? Solution: leave the toys on the floor, all over the house. Don't have time to really put myself together and look very nice? Solution: you're lucky if I take a shower.

Apparently, if I can't have it perfect... then I just leave it the way it is. Even if I could improve upon it slightly with a little work. This is something I definitely need to work on. Perfection is unattainable... I am human and will never be perfect. But I can always improve. I just need to accept that my best is good enough.